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January 26, 2024

Ranking Member Thompson Rips Republicans for “Inept and Inappropriate” Impeachment Process Ignoring Past Precedent and Due Process

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, sent a letter to Committee Chairman Mark Green laying out five key areas in which his committee has ignored past precedent and proper due process in its rush to markup an impeachment resolution of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas.  

  1. This impeachment inquiry was not authorized by the full House.
  2. Secretary Mayorkas was not afforded any rights in the absence of an authorized impeachment inquiry.
  3. Secretary Mayorkas was not afforded the opportunity to testify before the Committee despite his willingness to do so.
  4. Democrats’ properly entered minority-day hearing request will not be acted upon prior to the markup of an impeachment resolution.
  5. The Committee was used as a platform for Members to campaign for other office.

Letter excerpt:

This unserious impeachment is a testament to partisan politics over rules and reason. Just two legal experts testified before the Committee, and both participated at the invitation of Democrats. Both of these distinguished scholars plainly stated that the Constitution did not support the impeachment of Secretary Mayorkas. Given the grave importance of impeachment—which you once described as “probably the most extreme remedy that our constitution affords for taking someone out of office”—this Committee should do better. At the very least, it should follow the rules and practices established over more than two centuries of congressional history.

Link to letter

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